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Contact Us
Pegasus InfoCorp helps build customized web software and undertakes web development software solutions for clients internationally. We have well set process inhouse to deliver on clients in different cities/ states/ countries worldwide, including Astrahan.

Our services/ solutions extend from front end websites to complete online/ offline software that integrates with our web based software. Our services/ custom built software solutions include web development, web software, small business web software development, ecommerce web site, mail order software and enterprise scale business software development built on web technologies.
Here's a short description of our services and solutions:
  • Complete website development to reflect a client's image online using the magic of Flash, and the dynamics of JavaScript
  • eCommerce portals, online ERP package, distribution networks, travel portals, job portals, hospitality portals, online member logins and database, educational portals, community portals, research portals, online customer relationship management (CRM) and sales force automation (SFA) software, Mobile/SMS applications, ecommerce web design, mail order software and various other industry specific customized solutions.
  • Backward integration of websites (including ecommerce sites) with offline software, and development of offline/ intranet software such as mail order software inventory management systems, payroll software, financial software, hotel management software, school management software, corporate intranet groupware, report generation software and other customized offline software solutions.
    We have also now started providing mobile software application development services for clients in Astrahan. The mobile technology platforms that we work with for clients in Astrahan include the Apple iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Google Android and JAVA Symbian platforms.

    To know more about how we can meet your specific requirements, please drop us a message or mail us at 'contact [at]'. Please click here to drop us a message.
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    Featured Clients
    Advanced Wholesale and Consumer Arts and Craft eCommerce UK website development, web  development company, web design and web development company, uk web design and development, uk web development, website  design and development USA, website development USA, advanced ecommerce website development Papercellar (UK)
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    Educational website development - advanced flash javascript AJAX programming for 2D character development, and website software development and programming for online story portal creation Little Write Brain (USA)
    Advanced online travel portal custom website development. India based travel portal with unique loyalty program TravelSpice (India)
    intranet corporate software development for a Fortune 500 web company - Custom built finance software for managing YAHOO! India internal finance records, and integrating with internal MIS system YAHOO! Web Services (India)
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    Selling in Europe and Listing Shops -  web development company, web design and web development company, uk web design and development, uk web  development, website design and development USA, website development USA, advanced ecommerce website development Chocolate Shop (Belgium)
    webby award, online marketplace travel booking. Using advanced AJAX programming for real time search of flight terminals Empty Leg Market (USA)
    Latest News
     Pegasus InfoCorp designs, develops and delivers on multiplayer Flash and AJAX games
     Mobile application software development services launched – iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Symbian and Windows Mobile platforms!
     Several new clients on the agile development process/ dedicated software development resources on hire
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