Project Demonstration on the Web:


Sunlight Consultancy wanted to showcase it’s premiere rain water harvesting process that it had implemented in several building complexes across India’s financial capital, the city of Mumbai. Being unsatisfied with their present internet presence, they decided to approach Pegasus InfoCorp with a rough documentation of their work.

The Pegasus team researched on the subject of water harvesting and considered options on how it could best be represented on the Internet. The method finalized was a flash demo that would reflect Sunlight Consultancy’s process in detail.

Mr. Shrikant Godbole, who is the Assistant Municipal Commissioner at the BMC, described our project with the following words, “We had already given Pegasus InfoCorp a second project before they had completed our first. Is there any better way in which we can show how impressed we are with their work? ”

To know more about this project, and other featured clients that we have worked with, drop us a message, or mail us at

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