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Monitor deltas of integer valued SNMP variables


    snmpdelta [ common arguments ] [ -t ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -m ] [ -f configfile ] [ -l ] [ -L SumFileName ] [ -p period ] [ -P Peaks ] [ -k ] [ -T ] oid [ oid ... ]


    snmpdelta will monitor the specified integer valued OIDs, and report changes over time.

    The -t flag will determine time interval from the monitored entity.

    The -s flag will display a timestamp.

    The -S flag causes data to be logged into a Sum file.

    -m prints the max value ever attained.

    -f configfile tells snmpdelta to read it's configuration from the specified file.

    -l tells snmpdelta to write it's configuration to files.

    -L specified the sum filename.

    -p period specifies the poll period.

    -P peaks specifies the reporting period in number of polling periods

    -k tells snmpdelta to keep seconds in it's output time format.

    -T makes snmpdelta print its output in tabular form.


    $ snmpdelta -R localhost public -s IF-MIB:ifinucastpkts.3 IF-MIB:ifoutucastpkts.3
    [20:15:43 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
    [20:15:43 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
    [20:15:44 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:44 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:45 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:45 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:46 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
    [20:15:46 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
    [20:15:47 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:47 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:48 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:48 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
    [20:15:49 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
    [20:15:49 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
    $ snmpdelta -R localhost public -s -T IF-MIB:ifinucastpkts.3 IF-MIB:ifoutcastpkts.3
    localhost       ifInUcastPkts.3 ifOutUcastPkts.3
    [20:15:59 6/14] 184.00  184.00
    [20:16:00 6/14] 158.00  158.00
    [20:16:01 6/14] 184.00  184.00
    [20:16:02 6/14] 184.00  184.00
    [20:16:03 6/14] 158.00  158.00
    [20:16:04 6/14] 184.00  184.00
    [20:16:05 6/14] 184.00  184.00
    [20:16:06 6/14] 158.00  158.00
    $ snmpdelta public -t -s -S -m -l -p 60 -P 60 . .