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load screen output mapping table


    mapscrn [ -o map.orig ] mapfile


    The mapscrn command loads a user defined output character mapping table into the console driver. The console driver may be later put into use user-defined mapping table mode by outputting a special escape sequence to the console device. This sequence is <esc>(K for the G0 character set and <esc>)K for the G1 character set. When the -o option is given, the old map is saved in map.orig.


    The mapscrn command can read the map in either of two formats: 1. 256 byte binary data 2. two-column text file Format (1) is is an image of translation table. Any time a character with the code i is output to the console device, the character with the code table[i] appears on the screen. Format (2) is used to fill the table as follows: cell with offset mentioned in the first column is filled with the value mentioned in the second column.

    Values in the file may be specified in one of four formats: 1. Decimal: string of decimal digits not beginning with '0' 2. Octal: string of octal digits beginning with '0' 3. Hexadecimal: string of hexadecimal digits preceded by "0x" 4. Character: Single character enclosed in single quotes. Note that blank, comma, tab character and '#' cannot be specified with the 4th format.

    Note that control characters ( with codes < 32) cannot be re-mapped with mapscrn because they have special meaning for the driver.



    Copyright (C) 1993 Eugene G. Crosser <> This software and documentation may be distributed freely.