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5. Console IRC Clients

5.1. ircII

Maintainer: ircII project

IRC Channel: #ircII (official channel ?) on EFNet

Originally written by Michael Sandrof, ircII comes with most Linux distributions. It uses termcap and shouldn't be a choice for most users, but is a standard. Mathusalem and other gurus will use it. Less ventured will regret to have it installed.

You can get the latest version of ircII from . Homepage at

5.2. EPIC

Maintainer: EPIC Software Labs

IRC Channel: #EPIC on EFNet

Based on ircII, EPIC (Enhanced Programmable ircII Client) is meant for real scripters and users searching freedom. When you start it for the first time you'll notice that you should really learn the basics of scripting.

You can get the latest version of EPIC from . Homepage at

5.3. BitchX

Maintainer: Colten Edwards

IRC Channel: #BitchX on EFNet

Originally a script for ircII, BitchX is a popular client intended to reduce the need for scripting by including a huge array of features in the client itself (too many features for even experienced users to remember). Many consider BitchX bloatware (not necessarily a bad thing), but it is very popular amongst users and opers alike.

You can get the latest version of BitchX from . Homepage at

5.4. irssi

Maintainer: Timo Sirainen

IRC Channel: #irssi on freenode - and IRCnet -

Timo released yagIRC in 1997. It was a GUI client using the GTK+ toolkit. The army called on him a year later, and the new maintainers wouldn't do the job. yagIRC passed away and he started irssi as a replacement. It used GTK+. GNOME and curses versions would appear later. As of 0.7.90 it's only a modular text mode client. Supports Perl scripting.

You can get the latest version of irssi from . Homepage at

5.5. Other Console IRC Clients

There are a few others ircII based clients.

Blackened -

Ninja -

ScrollZ -